Welcome to melissa farkouh’s online shop

Welcome! Whether you are a speech therapist, a student in speech therapy, a speech-language therapy assistant, a specialized educator, or other professional, you will find here tools, workshops, and much more to enrich your approach, knowledge, and support children’s language development with evidence-based practices.

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Quiz for speech therapists

Are you a speech therapist? How do you feel about taking on a bilingual or multilingual child?

It’s not always easy to navigate. How do you distinguish between a language disorder or a language difference? I’ve prepared this quiz for you to test your knowledge of multilingualism in children. It’s also a fun way to learn.


Quiz for interventionists

Are you an interventionist, teacher, educator, or other? Come and test your knowledge of multilingualism in children.
It’s not always easy to navigate. Come debunk the myths with me.

Advantages of my speech therapy workshops

Each tool and workshop is based on current research and science-based, providing you with concrete and effective solutions to optimize your interventions.
Many professionals have seen significant improvements in their practices thanks to my resources. Why not you?

Importance of partnership in language development

My goal is to strengthen the collaboration between professionals and families. With my workshops and tools, you will learn to engage parents and loved ones in your child’s language development process. Together, you will create a richer and more coherent learning environment for children, combining the expertise of professionals with the commitment of families.

Resources for speech therapists and other professionals

Whether you are a speech-language pathologist, speech therapy student, speech-language therapy assistant, early childhood educator, specialized educator, or teacher, you will find resources tailored to your needs to support children in their language development.

Discover even more

Don’t forget to check out my many blog posts and other free resources on the site. You will find practical advice, free tools, inspiring case studies, and research-based information to guide you through each stage of your professional journey.

Join the community of language development professionals and start exploring my resources today!

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